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In Development

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Currently in Development

She Carries Me Again

Written by Lauren Brotman


Two women.


One's ill body threatens her mind.

The other's ill mind threatens her body.

They collide, propelled to discover the

Devastating imprisonment they share

Will allow them to  transcend to freedom.



Lauren Brotman | Playwright

Judith Thompson | Dramaturge

Thomas Morgan Jones | Director

Nancy Palk | Actor 

Jeanie Calleja | Actor 

Haley Vincent | Producer/Artistic Participant


Lauren Brotman | Playwright/ Actor 

Judith Thompson | Dramaturge

Philip Akin | Director

Jack Grinhaus | Producer/Collaborator

Nancy Palk | Actor 

Jeanie Calleja| Actor 

Katerina Sokyrko | Stage Manager

Thank you to the following artists who have participated in the development of this piece at various stages of its creation:

Philip Akin, Briana Brown, Jeanie Calleja, Lisa Codrington, Jamie Dunsdon, Sharon Forrester, Carment Grant, Jack Grinhaus, Melee Hutton Quancitia Hamilton, John Mighton, Thomas Morgan Jones, Natasha Mytnowych, Nancy Palk, Alexandra Parravano, Katerina Sokyrko, Matthew Tiffin, Judith Thompson, Iris Turcott, Haley Vincent, Claire Wynveen.

Thank you to the following organizations who have supported this piece at various stages of its development:

Canadian Stage, Canada Council for the Arts, Factory Theatre, The Grand Theatre, Ontario Arts Council,  Studio 180, Toronto Arts Council.

*Ongoing Development support provided Prairie Theatre Exchange, Treaty 1 Territory, Winnipeg.

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Currently in Development

Painting the Streets

Created and performed by

Lauren Brotman and Amy Blanding

part of the 2017/2018 Innovation Series at Theatre Northwest.


Beth and Ally are two women with distinctly different world views and life stories; by a twist of fate, their paths begin to merge as each seeks to make a new life for herself in Northern British Columbia. As observers of this narrative, we become privy to their complicated and confusing internal dialogue, as both women begin to question their assumptions about the world. Humorous and achingly raw, ‘Painting the Streets’ attempts to capture the multifaceted, colourful, and complex nature of humanity as we struggle to live, contribute, and evolve.

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Thank you to Marnie Hamagami, Theatre Northwest and Tracy Summerville for supporting this workshop presentation.


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